About the Farm
Located on the Sunshine Coast, BC
Myrtle Point Heritage Farm, Powell River BC
Well, as most of you know, you can plan all you want, but life seems to have other plans… In 2009 we started working this 30 acres of raw land on the Sunshine Coast, which backs the wild of coastal BC. To the north a forest that stretches all the way up the pacific coastal mountain range. To the south only a few blocks away the ocean. We were in total awe of the beauty and the abundance that nature had to offer. Bumble bees, hummingbirds, berries, bears, eagles, wolves, whales & so much more.
With a passion for good pure food, gardening and a healthy living environment we started living out a dream of supplying our own needs from the land we live on. First it was a vegetable garden, then it was chickens for eggs, which led to pigs, goats, cows, turkeys & bees, all heritage breeds.
We started making soaps, creams & healing balms from our milk & honey. Realizing how powerful the healing properties of pure untainted elements can be has led us here. We’ve been given the opportunity to share our farmstead products, all while keeping a balance with nature. As nature intended.
Our Livestock
“You are what you eat.”
We all know, that to maintain good health you need a balanced diet. But do we take into consideration the diet of the animal producing that food. Does it matter? We believe it does, as the old saying goes,
Registered Alpine Goats
We really love our alpine goats…sacred animals giving us our daily milk for making our homemade cheese & our famous goat milk soap. Flying Bird Temptation Lucy which is in the photo above is our Alpine matriarch here on the farm. At the age of 11 years young, she gives us over a gallon a day without skipping a beat. We have recently expanded our herd introducing a diverse array of genetics giving us the ability to supply the ever growing demand for high quality Alpine goats.
We are now taking orders for goat kids for 2023.
Purebred registered Alpine does $450

Heritage Chicken
We all know, that to maintain good health you need a balanced diet. But do we take into consideration the diet of the animal producing that food. Does it matter? We believe it does, as the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.”
Our heritage chickens free roam on our 30 acres of raw land, foraging on bugs, insects, wild berries, wild grasses and clover and other native species of plants, shrubs and trees, which also give our chickens shelter from predators. They also get organic grains.
Small White Beltsville Turkeys
In the early 1930s, consumers were interested in a small sized turkey for families to enjoy year round. In 1934 on Poultry Road in Beltsville, Maryland at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (where the USDA is located today), the project began to create the Beltsvilles. It took fifteen different strains of turkeys to create the small white Beltsville turkey which took over a decade. In 1947 They were commercially labeled “The Beltsville White”. Quickly becoming one of the main commercial birds in the united states totaling 25% of turkeys sold until 1967 when faster growing industrially farmed turkeys hit the market. We purchased two of the only known blood lines of these amazing birds the Ames Line & Guelph Line. Beltsville turkeys are a very valuable resource for any farm or homestead looking to hatch naturally fertilized turkey eggs or just enjoy their full flavor heritage meat. Birds ranging in size from 8lb – 20lb

Free range Berkshire pork
Using modern rotational grazing techniques, our heritage breed pigs (Berkshire), free roam on raw land and are able to exhibit natural pig behavior, such as rooting, foraging, and bathing in wallows from natural springs on the farm. Along with foraging, our pigs are fed brewers grains from Townsite brewery and supplemental feed.